Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Having the 2 weeks holiday now. I shouldn't be slacking like I've been doing so well. After that AnChem, I should had been woken up....but I still ain't, wonder what's wrong with me....

Had my last week of the break planned, all outings and stuffs....when will I be sitting still and study? Which comes another thing that I'd noticed. I found out that I couldn't sit still for more than 10 mins, which had been an easy task if I was the old me. I mean, before, I would not kept asking, "So~ What are we gonna do after this? Where are we going? Are we almost reaching?" Normally the old me will kept quiet and enjoy all the easy-going-ness of that situation.
However, now is a different story.
I'd been fully turned into a "City Kid".
I've been addicted to this song by S.H.E- [我愛雨夜花] lately. It's in Taiwanese and the song was mixed with raps and techno. Kinda the type that pulls me in.
The rhythm had that kind of sadness in it. It reminds me of my grandpa.
I kept playing on repeat; I kept on crying.

Though I was born in Taiwan, I was raised in Singapore and my parents had been teaching us in Chinese. I felt bad as I couldn't communicate well with my grandparents because I couldn't quite understand and speak Taiwanese. I felt that I had betrayed them, I don't know why....

我愛雨夜花 - S.H.E

Pieces of silver grass (or reeds) were higher than the winding road which leads to the bottom of the mountain

山腳有一個庄 阿公就住置彼
At the bottom of the mountain there was a village which lived my grandfather

青味青味的竹林常常攏嘛隨風底唱歌 咪嗦啦 咪嗦啦
There was fresh clean taste of bamboo which was often singing along with the wind

Me so la~~ Me So La~~

Do not know why Aberdeen flower grew on the entire mountain all year around

Was there earth from paradise and sand from heaven?

舊柪舊柪的厝瓦 一直保護阿公阿嬤 阿公自己改編的歌 伊唱乎我聽
The old and broken roof tiles had been protecting grandpa and grandma, Grandpa always sung to me the songs that he had adapted

[Chorus]這條歌陪我到大漢 常常哼著伊唱也唱袂煞
This song accompanied my growing up, often singing and humming to this song non-stop

希望你同款會凍睛足聽 愛珍惜 這個聲
Hope you will also listen to it carefully and treasure this sound

這條歌陪我一直到大漢 常常哼著伊唱也唱袂煞
This song accompanied my growing up, often singing and humming to this song non-stop

雖然講世界不時在變化 嘛是愛這條歌
Although the world is forever changing, I still love this song

(雨夜花 雨夜花)袂娶某 袂娶某 娶到一個呆大摳 脖子黑黑 目睛凸凸 親像火車煙囪管
(Four season) Marry a wife marry a wife marry a big fat person with a dark neck and protruding eyes just like a train’s chimney

(雨夜花 雨夜花)袂娶某 袂娶某 娶到一個呆大摳 脖子黑黑 目睛凸凸 親像火車煙囪管
(Four season) Marry a wife marry a wife marry a big fat person with a dark neck and protruding eyes just like a train’s chimney

逐次返到這個所在我習慣脫赤腳 脫赤腳哪走哪迄逃置底軟軟土的田岸
Each time I returned to this place I am used to walk in barefoot and play beside the soft fields

蝴蝶蝴蝶翩翩飛阿飛飛阿飛引我想欲抓 這藏有我囝仔時存的笑聲
I tried to catch the non-stop dancing butterflies; my childhood laughter was hidden here

大樹邊的一條溪流流流過陡陡的山壁 溪凍水也清照著天照著白雲哪像水鏡
Beside the tree there was a stream flowing through the steep mountain, the water from the stream was like a mirror, shinning on the sky and shinning on the clouds

釣幾尾啊沒魚嘛有蝦 起火烤烤來吃 哪吃哪換阿嬤 唱歌乎阮聽
Although we didn’t catch any fish, we got shrimps so we started the fire and ate grilled shrimps while grandma sung songs to us

[Repeat Chorus]

原來置怹的年代 (欲娶某欲嫁尪~) 不曾有自由的戀愛 (等到有一天~)
Actually during their generation (to marry wife to be married ~) they did not have free love (wait until one day ~)

嫁娶攏聽父母的安排 (原來~) 這就是怹彼個年代 (彼個年代~)
Wedding arrangements must obey their parents (so that was it ~) that was their generation (that time)

[Repeat Chorus]

Posted by Yukari.由香里 at 9:44 PM

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's the time of the year again! It's period of exams....-.-
This time it is cool cos we only need to take two papers in the common test week (Another two after the holidays). That gave us more time to study....and SLACK!

The EM3 paper is already over on Tue and I had been determined to reward myself for studying so hard...for the day before the paper :P (Okay, maybe not so hard...lucky the paper was easy!)
I had planned to rest on Tue and continue my studies for AnChem on Wed. We even booked a room in the Library for that purpose! But then in the end, we actually slacked off and watched Mean Girls in the library instead...:P (Watched that three-four times and still not tried of it!)

Now, it is Thurs 2:48 in the afternoon. The sun is shining, the birds are chipping and I'm using the I-should-be-studying-now time surfing the internet (and updating this Blog :P). is like holiday to me already!

I should be studying right now!!!

Posted by Yukari.由香里 at 11:41 PM

What? Me?

18! :)
Galaxy. Jupiter :P


My Family!
My Besties
Anime and Manga XD


Really Good Friends
More Family Time:)
Do well this semester
Be fluent in Jap
To Act!
Cosplay more characters!
More $$ XP
Going back Taiwan ^-^

Kindly. Talk.

Tag when u view this blog cos if u don't..
I'll be really lonely:(


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* Joshua Chua
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* Shamilee
* Shi Min
* Shi Yi
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* Sin Ee
* Soo Ching
* Syafiqah
* Xin Hui
* Xinlei
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* Zoe


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Designer Eric Sim
Pictures Foto Decadent
Brushes and Textures Hybrid Genesis, Misprinted- Type, and Eric Sim
Pattern Squidfingers